Learning and adapting to a new culture does things that nothing else can do for you. It unlocks doors to a world of wealth. You learn that no culture is superior to another.
Thinking you or your culture is superior will significantly hinder growth or acceptance into a new culture. Take a dose of humility. Realize that you nor your country have a monopoly on wisdom or correctness. We can live in mutual respect. You will make tremendous friends that last a lifetime.
For years, I have taught that we all look the same if you peel people. You will find wonderful people if you can get by skin color, language, and cultural differences. We can connect.
Mexico and Alberto Romero radically changed my life. I made new friends. I learned what living in another culture was like. I made mistakes. I hurt feelings. I acted superior, but I grew with their patient love and help, and we built a friendship that has spanned the globe for nearly 40 years.
Differences sometimes help us learn, grow, understand, and make lasting friendships.
Adapting is a lifelong process. It is not a one-and-done life change. The keyword for adapting is more than flexible. It is fluid. You have to step out of your comfort zone. You have to take risks.
There is a culture in front of you that will make you much more wealthy. You will learn, grow, and love like you never thought possible.
Remember, people are people. You are more alike than different. Be humble. Leave your previous life behind. Become bicultural, a new person. Be more than a tourist or a visitor; instead, be an integral part of life.