There is no substitution for love, not works, not doctrine, nothing.
In I Corinthians 12:31, the Holy Spirit instructed Paul to call love the more excellent way. In chapter 13, he says that no matter what you do, how skilled you are in ministry, how much faith you have, how much money you give, what sacrifices you make, if you do not have love, then all the rest is worthless.
The most profound description of the Christian’s character is love. It is worth knowing that God is love. If you do not love, you do not honestly know God. I John 4:8. If we know God loves us, then we are permanent residents in love (dwell).
Love is the most significant missing element in our churches. The world knows believers by their love. Recognition as faithful followers of Jesus comes as they see how we love. We may have the correct doctrine but are not known for our love.
The love Paul teaches here is an unselfish love that is interested in giving, not getting. This love is about sacrifice, not control. This love puts others first and has no place for pride and arrogance.
There is no substitution for love, not works, not doctrine, nothing.
God’s love is poured through us and into our hearts. Romans 5:5. Genuine believers need not be taught to love because it just comes with our new nature. It is who we are. I Thessalonians 4:9.
God’s people love as their very lives depend on it. It is a fervent love. The word fervent used here means persevering. It implies that one does not waver in their display of interest or devotion. It is eager and earnest. It is constant gentleness. I Peter 4:8
This love covers a multitude of sins, the verse says. It is like the quote by Corrie Ten Boom that says there is no pit so deep that He is not deeper still. Our love should be so intense that there is more love and grace than sin and failure.
Love is the more excellent way. Without love, you have nothing, are doing nothing, can accomplish nothing.
Other interesting quotes and articles about love
Love infected with Disappointment
Bible Teaching on Loving One Another