I Corinthians 13 makes it clear that love is better than anything else. Love is better than all spiritual gifts. It is a more excellent way. Love is exceedingly beyond anything else.
Love is better than money and financial security, all possessions and things. A massive mistake is the idea that giving stuff or even time is more important than love.
Love gives value to anything else we do. Without love we are just making noise and giving off hot air. If we do not love all else becomes worthless.
Understanding the Bible without love will only give knowledge that puffs up. No matter how much faith one has it is worthless without love. No matter how much you give or how many people you help without love there is no profit.
Love is what the family needs. Love is what the church needs. God is much more interested in why we did something than what we need.
God will test what we have done to see what sort of work it was. 1 Corinthians 3:13. The Word of God is able to discern our thoughts and the very intents of our heart. Hebrews 4:12
The only way what we do has value is if we do it out of unselfish, unconditional, sacrificial love. True love gives real meaning, real profit, and real substance.
To express love we have to experience it first. The cross is where we experience true, undeserved, grace, forgiveness, and love. I John 7-8 makes it clear that we can love one another because love is of God. The fact that we are born of God gives us the ability to love. If we do not love then we do not know God.
We can love one another because we have experienced the love of God. As we abide in Christ we will bring forth His fruit and without Him we can do nothing. John 15:5. Galatians 5:22
Maybe the most beautiful is that the love of God is shed abroad, given generously, through us by the Holy Spirit of God Romans 5:5.
Hate can not live in us because if we love God we will love our brother. I John 4:20. We want to learn more every day about how to express God’s love to all around us. We do not love because anyone deserves it but because God loves through us.
Other interesting quotes and articles about love
Love infected with Disappointment
Bible Teaching on Loving One Another