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Austin Gardner- Principles From The Bible

Alignment Ministries • May 31, 2022

Austin Gardner- Principles From The Bible

Austin Gardner has been a Minister of the Gospel since 1973 serving as a church-planter, missionary, pastor, director, and many other countless positions along the way. He has been in over 50 countries, sent out hundreds of missionaries, and has started two churches and two Bible Colleges. With all this life experience, we just had to ask him what core principles he has lived by. This is what Austin had to say:


“I believe that God has given us His complete and perfect Word. I believe that absolutely everything in the Bible is true and if it appears to contradict or be off it has to be my study and understanding.


I believe that without a Bible we would have no core, no foundation for what we believe, how we are to act, what is right and wrong. If the Bible is not God’s perfect Word then we are left to ridiculous religions and evolutionary ideas.”


This is surely the response of a man who deeply walks with God. An unwavering faith in the Word of God. Austin is an excellent example of an individual who completely lives their life by the Bible. For many today, the Bible has become little more than a reference on a phone or tablet accessed once a week during a worship service. For the disciple of Christ, God’s Word has always been more than that, it’s life-giving, it strengthens, it guides, it convicts, it shines light in the darkest regions, it brings hope to the hopeless, brought into being and preserved by the very Spirit of God. Offering a glimpse into Austin’s view of the Bible and how it impacts every aspect of life, he had this to say:



“I believe God teaches us to marry one man to one woman. Betty and I have been married for 49 years, have 4 married children and 22 grandchildren. I believe that my marriage to Betty is the most important earthly relation and responsibility I have. I believe in marriage and family.


I believe in the church of Jesus Christ that as a body is to be organized to obey God and carry the gospel to the world. The Great Commission is a New Testament expression of a truth taught throughout the Bible, that God loves everyone and wants all saved. I have given my life to try and carry the gospel around the world and to plant churches that will continue forward with that mission.”


Marriage, family, and spreading the good news of the gospel. That’s the right way to live a life dedicated to God’s love and truth. In a world full of greed, lust, and pride, the Disciple of Christ clings to the Bible and the eternal truth it contains. It is the only hope this world has to turn the tides of evil and hatred. Austin had this to say regarding this:


“I believe in salvation by grace. I believe that Jesus loves and died for all. I believe in training men and women to carry the gospel of Jesus Christ to the world.


 I believe that most young men and women want someone to love them and invest in them. I believe that they have a hunger deep in their hearts to love and serve God once they are saved


I believe that God wants to use all of His children to do more and greater things that they ever imagined possible.”


If the world were to think like Austin Gardner, we would be in a much better place than we are currently. That’s why it’s so important to spread gospel to every generation and to every nation across the world. To reach every corner of the world with a goal to everyone offered the gift of salvation and the transforming work of discipleship.

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In January of 1987 Betty, the kids, and I arrived in Querétaro, Mexico to study Spanish. I literally didn’t know ten words. I am forever indebted to Georgia, Hermana Luisa, Webb for the language institute she ran for many years. She was strict. She pushed hard. Betty cried on more than one occasion. Without the challenge I know that I never would have learned the language. The language school gave me structure, discipline, help learning what to do next. Read the rest of the letter then go watch this video the BBF did of Miss Webb. When you get this letter, Lord willing, Betty and I will be in Mexico and we will be visiting this wonderful godly lady. I thought of this lady often over the years. I remembered how hard she had been on me. I remembered being tortured it seemed but I survived Hermana Luisa and she made me a thriving missionary.  Thank you Hermana Luisa for helping a red neck Tennessee hillbilly learn enough Spanish to do some ministry. God bless you. So know that language school might be very beneficial for you. Efficient Resource Utilization: Organized lesson plans and materials ensure learners make the most of their study time, covering essential language elements in a coherent manner. Clear Learning Objectives: Well-organized courses outline clear learning objectives, helping learners understand what to expect and what is expected of them. Resource Accessibility: Organized language schools provide learners with easy access to a variety of resources, including textbooks, multimedia materials, and language software.
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