Thursday, December 8, 2022
Dear friends,
God has incredibly blessed us, as always. My health is improving. I had cataract surgery in both eyes while recovering from the cancer surgery to remove my adrenal glands. Blessed on all fronts right now.
I invite you to check out our YouTube channel. I preach a brief message daily that will bless you and your family. The creation has been the focus of my attention lately. God has so impressed my heart with the importance of creation. Casting doubt on the creation casts doubt on all the Scripture and even the crucifixion. If the videos are a blessing, subscribe and share them with your friends.
I will dedicate most of my time to writing. You can keep up with me at Austin’s Pen on Alignment Ministries. I have written the first rough draft of our love story, Austin and Betty’s life. You can download the pdf for free. It will be added to, edited, and published, but we are not ready yet. Click here to get the free download.
A missionary scolded me for not having all I had learned available or in writing. I will write daily because I know the missionary is correct. I ask your prayers as I launch more and more into writing the materials that might bless future generations.
If you want to help hold me accountable, you can sign up for a weekly email. I will start soon. It will come from Austin’s Pen but may be renamed. It will include a weekly devotion, an excerpt from my writing, and any publication updates. Please let me know if you would be interested in getting those emails. Send me a private message, and I will add you to the new email list.
God is so good to us. In a time of increasing attack and turmoil, God has blessed us. We are looking forward to having our entire family together for Christmas.
Colombia is our next foreign trip. A friend of ours is getting married and we are looking forward to it. Peru is next to see all that God is doing in the ministry of our son and his family. As I write, South Africa is getting planned, and I look forward to that trip.
Thank you for being so kind to us. God is good, and we are grateful to Him.
God bless you one and all. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
Austin and Betty