Proverbs 6:23 For the commandment is a lamp; and the law is light; And reproofs of instruction are the way of life:
The Word of God is light. The Word of God casts light on all you are doing or thinking. God’s Word often scolds us or reproves us by its teachings. These reproofs are for our good so that we can live without being hurt.
Solomon was telling his son this so that he could see how the truth would keep him from sexual sin. We live in a world where sexual immorality is destroying us. Pornography is on the rise. People are getting addicted. The reason porn has the power it does because we do not have enough light from the Word of God to see it for what it is.
The Bible tells us all we need to know. There is plenty of light, but we are so foolish that we do not dig into the Bible to see what God says./
Get into the Word of God. Let God give you the light you need to live and not be hurt. He cares enough about you to provide you with the truth so that you will not be damaged. Do not choose darkness when you have the light right there beside you!