John C. Maxwell calls this the Peak to Peak Principle. It can be represented visually like the image you see. This is found in his book
The Difference Maker: Making Your Attitude Your Greatest Asset. John Maxwell has written a lot of books that you should take the time to read. This is one of them. So many leaders slowly destroy their ministries because they have not learned basic principles he teaches. Controlling our attitude and making good decisions is paramount.
When you are on top of the proverbial mountain, that is the time to make decisions. Here’s why:
On the other hand, when you’re in the valley, the most important thing you can do is persevere. If you keep fighting ,you’re likely to get your second wind, just as distance runners do. And it’s said that only when runners are exhausted enough to reach that place do they find out what they can truly accomplish. If you keep persevering while you are in the valley, not only will you likely make it to higher ground where you can make better decisions, but you will also have developed character, which will serve you well through-out life.
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