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Personal Letter from George Liele

Austin Gardner • July 21, 2023

The first Baptist church was orgainzed in 1784, in Kingston. A personal letter written to Dr. Rippen, of London, in 1791, will show more fully the character, work and struggle of this man.

“I cannot tell what my age is, as I have no account of the time of my birth, but I suppose I am about 40 years old. I have a wife and four children. My wife was baptized by me in Savannah, and I have every satisfaction in life from her. She is much the same age as myself. My eldest son is 19 years, my next son, 17, and the third, 14, and the last child, a girl of 11 years. They are all members of the church. My occupation is a farmer, but as the seasons of this part of the country are uncertain, I also keep a team of horses and wagons for the carrying of goods from one place to another, which I attend myself, with the assistance of my sons, and by this way of life have gained the good will of the public, who recommended me to the business and to some very principal work for the government. I have a few good books, some good old authors and sermons, and one large Bible that was given me by a gentleman. A good many of our members can read, and are all desirous to learn. They will be very thankful for a few books to read on Sundays and other days.

“There is no Baptist church in this country but ours. We have purchased a piece of land at the east end of Kingston, containing three acres, for the sum of $775, and on it we have begun a meeting house, 57 feet in length by 37 feet in breadth. We have raised the brick wall eight feet high from the foundation, and intend to have a gallery.… The chief part of our congregation are slaves, and their owners allow them, in common, but three or four bits a week to feed themselves, and out of so small a sum we cannot expect anything that can be of service from them; if we did, it would soon bring scandal upon religion. The free people in our society are poor, but they are willing, both free and slaves, to do what they can. As for my part, I am too much entangled with the affairs of the world to go on, as I would, with my design in supporting the cause. This has, I acknowledge, been a great hindrance to the gospel in one way; but I have endeavored to set a good example of good industry before the inhabitants of the land, it has given general satisfaction in another way. And, reverend sir, we think the Lord has put the power of the Baptist societies in England and to help and assist us in completing this building, which we look upon to be the greatest undertaking in this country for the bringing of souls from darkness into the light of the gospel. And as the Lord has put it in your heart to inquire after us, we place all of our confidence in you to make our circumstances known to the several Baptist churches in England, and we look upon you as our father, friend and brother. Within the brick walls we have a shelter in which we worship until our building can be accomplished.

“Your letter was read in the church two or three times, and did create a great deal of love and warmness throughout the congregation, and we shouted for joy and comfort to think that the Lord has been so gracious as to satisfy us in this country, with the same kind of religion of our beloved brethren in the old country, according to the Scriptures, and that such a worthy —— of London could write so loving a letter to such poor worms as we are. And I beg leave to say that the whole congregation sang out they would, through the assistance of God, remember you in their prayers. They all together give their Christian love to you and all the worthy professors of Jesus Christ in your church at London, and beg the prayers of your churches in general and of our congregation wherever it pleases you to make known our circumstances. I remain, with the utmost love, reverend sir, your unworthy fellow laborer, servant and brother in Christ.

George Lisle.

 H. Leon McBeth, A Sourcebook for Baptist Heritage (Nashville, TN: Broadman & Holman Publishers, 1990), 586–587.

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In January of 1987 Betty, the kids, and I arrived in Querétaro, Mexico to study Spanish. I literally didn’t know ten words. I am forever indebted to Georgia, Hermana Luisa, Webb for the language institute she ran for many years. She was strict. She pushed hard. Betty cried on more than one occasion. Without the challenge I know that I never would have learned the language. The language school gave me structure, discipline, help learning what to do next. Read the rest of the letter then go watch this video the BBF did of Miss Webb. When you get this letter, Lord willing, Betty and I will be in Mexico and we will be visiting this wonderful godly lady. I thought of this lady often over the years. I remembered how hard she had been on me. I remembered being tortured it seemed but I survived Hermana Luisa and she made me a thriving missionary.  Thank you Hermana Luisa for helping a red neck Tennessee hillbilly learn enough Spanish to do some ministry. God bless you. So know that language school might be very beneficial for you. Efficient Resource Utilization: Organized lesson plans and materials ensure learners make the most of their study time, covering essential language elements in a coherent manner. Clear Learning Objectives: Well-organized courses outline clear learning objectives, helping learners understand what to expect and what is expected of them. Resource Accessibility: Organized language schools provide learners with easy access to a variety of resources, including textbooks, multimedia materials, and language software.
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