I read the following in Money, Possessions, and Eternity by Randy Alcorn. God does love the rich just like the poor. However, He said it would be harder for a rich person to get to heaven than to get a camel through the eye of the needle. The problem was not the wealth but the heart. Read the following and check up on yourself.
Jesus said the rich are at a spiritual disadvantage (Matthew 19:23-24). The problem, of course, is not that God doesn’t love the rich. The problem is that the rich don’t love God. They simply have too much else to love.
Who needs God, we think, when we’ve got everything? This is why Jesus didn’t say, “You should not serve both God and Money,” but “You cannot serve both God and Money” (Matthew 6:24, italics mine). Why? For the same reason a woman cannot have two husbands.
When we carry on a love affair with the world, we commit spiritual adultery. We place God in the role of the jilted husband. He loves us and longs for our return but will not allow us in his intimate chambers when we are prostituting ourselves to another. God will not be a half husband. He will not be comforted by the fact that we call him “Savior” when we refuse to follow him as Lord.
Read more from Alcorn