The love the Apostle Paul taught the church to have for each other in I Corinthians 13 is beautiful. We should work and pray to learn to love each other this way.
According to this passage, it is never too hard or demanding to love. Our actions should show clearly our love. It will start with our attitude.
There is a problem in the church. There is strife, division, competition, and comparison. That was what was going on in Corinth when Paul wrote I Corinthians. It was not their gift that would cause them to excel in the things of Christ but the love, charity, the identifying of themselves with God’s interest in other people.
Biblical love cares for others more than it cares for itself. This love is patient and kind. Love doesn’t brag, strut, think better of itself. This love isn’t jealous or trying to get what it doesn’t have.
Biblical love doesn’t see itself as better than others, no swollen pride. It doesn’t focus on itself. Love doesn’t manipulate or force others. Never thinks of itself first. Doesn’t get angry easily; nor keeps records of sin, doesn’t enjoy watching others hurt or be defeated. Love loves truth. Love puts up with anything from the other person. Love looks for the best and doesn’t look back on the past. Love will not quit
There is nothing too difficult for love. His love in us makes us love others. That is why we can’t think evil thoughts, compare our sin and failure to another. Love keeps on loving and hoping for the best.
The charity love of I Corinthians 13 is a heart-felt love. It is a love that shows.
God’s love is so different than the world’s love. God’s love is about giving, not taking, investing, not using, commitment, not emotions.
God’s love is better than anything else. It is a more excellent way!
Other interesting quotes and articles about love
Love infected with Disappointment
Bible Teaching on Loving One Another