In reading Warren Wiersbe's commentary on Nehemiah, Be Determined, I cam across some amazingly deep and yet simple quotes. I have lived with these questions. I think it might bless you to meditate on this just a minute or two.
The statement certainly summarizes what Jesus taught in the Parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25–37); and it rebukes all those who fold their arms complacently, smile benignly, and say somewhat sarcastically,
“Ask me if I care!”
Like large doors, great life-changing events can swing on very small hinges. It was just another day when Moses went out to care for his sheep, but on that day he heard the Lord’s call and became a prophet (Ex. 3). It was an ordinary day when David was called home from shepherding his flock; but on that day, he was anointed king (1 Sam. 16). It was an ordinary day when Peter, Andrew, James, and John were mending their nets after a night of failure; but that was the day Jesus called them to become fishers of men (Luke 5:1–11). You never know what God has in store, even in a commonplace conversation with a friend or relative; so keep your heart open to God’s providential leading.
“Here am I, Lord—send me!”