The following quotes are from a book by Paul Hiebert:s: Anthropological Insights for Missionaries!
Everyone who works overseas should read this book. It should be taught in every missionary training center. The culture and culture shock are great hindrances to the work God has called the missionary to do. Study to show yourself approved in the work God has called you to do.
In our preparation for missionary service, we are well trained in the Bible and the missionary message. When we go abroad,
we assume that once we learn the local language we can preach,
and the people will understand us. It comes as a shock that this is not so, that the task of communicating effectively in another culture is far more difficult than imagined. But what do we need to improve this?
There is a gulf between ourselves and the people to whom we go in service. There is an even greater gulf between the Bible's historical and cultural setting and contemporary life. How do we bridge these gulfs and make possible theeffective cross-cultural and cross-historical communication of the gospel?
Clearly we need to understand the gospel in its historical and cultural setting. Without this, we have no message. Wealso need a clear understanding of ourselves and the people we serve in diverse historical and cultural contexts.Without this, we are in danger of proclaiming a meaningless and irrelevant message.
Too often, however, we are content to settle for only one of these goals. As evangelicals we emphasize knowledge of theBible, but
rarely stop to examine the people and cultures we serve.
So the message we bring is often misunderstood and "foreign." The liberal wing of the church, on the other hand, hasunderscored knowledge of contemporary human settings, but downplays the importance of solid theological foundationsbased on biblical truth. This group is in danger of losing the gospel.
We need both approaches.
We must know the biblical message. We must also know the contemporaryscene.
Only then can we build the bridges that will make the biblical message relevant to today's world and its peopleeverywhere.
Other interesting quotes and articles about Culture and Culture Shock
Dealing with Culture Shock and Adapting to a new field
Dealing with Culture Shock and Adapting to a new field Part 2
Culture Shock and Adapting to a new field, part 3
Culture Shock and Adapting to a new field, part 4
Be a learner of the new culture
Is One Culture really Superior to Another?