It is hard to be angry when we are busy being thankful. We are commanded to give thanks in everything, even our frustrations or when we are mistreated in our opinions. I Thessalonians 5:18
We are angry often because things aren’t going the way we want or expect. We are not being treated the way we think we deserve. We need to practice Proverbs 3:5-7 all the time.
That means we will trust in the Lord with all of our hearts. It means that we will not lean on what we think or understand. We must look for God and His will in all that is happening. We must allow God to direct our paths.
The problem is that we are often wise in our own eyes. I think I know best. I know what I should expect, and that is not what God is teaching us in His Word.
When we are hurting deeply, we let anger dominate us. Then anger has gotten the best of us. We need to learn to rejoice. God wants us to rejoice in Him. We go through trying times and hurt. We are in heaviness through manifold temptations.
But the trials that the Lord allows in our lives will cause us to come out as gold. We will end up bringing praise, honor, and glory to Jesus. I Peter 1:6-7
We are in control of our emotions, or He would not have commanded us to cease from anger and forsake wrath. We are to learn to wait on God. I might not get what I want right away, but God may be at work in ways that I do not know. Psalm 37:8-9
Our goal to honor and obey God is to listen quickly, speak slowly, and get mad slowly. My getting mad never does the work of God or shows His righteousness James 1:19-20 Angry, smart responses, antagonistic remarks are horrible.